sanis libris

Heb je een citaat dat je naleeft of waar je vaak bij stilstaat?

vita lacuna

for me, a meaningful life is only complete with a daily stimulation of the mind in the form of reading the thoughts, views, opinions, statements, and so on of other people, according to my credo:

sanis libris, vita lacuna

fertile soil

when buying my food in a store
I rarely think about its origin
after all,
the shelves are full here in this privileged part of the world

time for me to investigate
whether Mother Earth
can naturally supply all the food
that we as world population need

it is no longer so self-evident with almost 8 billion people on earth

I would like to draw attention here
to an Italian initiative,
just one of the many initiatives I came across on the internet,
an eye-opener for me

there is something to tell me to do:
I will choose much more consciously from the food on offer

from now on I will avoid supermarkets
and find my way among small-scale producers
who consciously deal with the
fertile soil

I owe it to myself, my family, my fellow citizens, but above all to the people who will come after me


the myth goes
that a kiss from a loved one under a tree with mistletoes
will bring love and happiness

we have used all the trees,
let it come,

love and happiness from the

bits and bytes

fly around my ears every day
all equally attractively decorated

It’s not just my smartphone that receives them
my entire body is stimulated by these incentives

is it the e-waves that affect me the most
is it the response of my cognitive mind

bits and bytes


bypassed by artificial intelligence
an incessant confrontation
walking past the shop windows

what will be my image
when passing a beauty salon,
a plastic surgeon

an AI laboratory or workshop?

will it still be me?


beacons of life

wandering creatures in space
beyond the realms of philosophical dignities owned by lords
fluttering behind temporary idols


predecessors fighting each other
with men made their swords
themselves lordly crowned


the super-rich eagerly looking for more
enough is only the beginning of unbridled desire
working man reduced to a slave to be manipulated

it becomes dark
pitch black
lighthouses extinguished in the battles

beacons of life

us humans

want to express their solidarity,
their devotion,
their humanity,
their compassion,
their penance

their vulnerability,
their dependence,
their nothingness,
their submissiveness

obedience plays
us humans


such a tranquil image
it has something galactic
moving gracefully through the Milky Way
an almost serene figure
completely peaceful

how would she view human actions below
could we be proud of what she sees from us
that she gives us a wink

so impressively


for sale: